Kamis 21 Dec 2023 16:37 WIB

The Meaning of Love to the Prophet Muhammad

The quality of our faith is determined by our love to Prophet Muhammad.

Red: Erdy Nasrul
Saying Love to the Prophet
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Saying Love to the Prophet

MUHAMMAD YUSRAN HADI, Lecturer in Fiqh and Ushul Fiqh Postgraduate UIN Ar-Raniry, Chairman of MIUMI Aceh


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REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- We often profess love to the Prophet, but cannot prove it in our daily behavior and words. During this time, the Sunnah of the Apostle saw was considered trivial and abandoned. For example, the prayer of worship for men. There are still many male Muslims who are unwilling or lazy to pray congregate.

In fact, various practices are performed by some Muslims, both congregationally and privately. Not only that, acts of great sin such as shirk, tahayul, khurafat and heresy have become a tradition that is preserved. In fact, this has been contrary to the Sunnah (guidance) of the Prophet (peace be upon him). If a person is in love with the Apostle, he will certainly obey the Apostle and will not perform the deeds forbidden by the Apostle.

The Duty of Loving the Prophet Muhammad

As Muslims, we are obliged to love the Prophet. Even loving the Prophet (peace be upon him) is part of a Muslim's faith and faith. Allah (swt) said: “Say: 'If your fathers, children, brothers, wives, families, wealth you pursue, the business you fear loss, and the houses you like are more loved than Allah and His Messenger and (from) jihad in His way, then wait until Allah makes a decision His an. And Allah does not give guidance to the wicked. (At-Taubah: 24)

This verse is enough to prove the necessity to love the Messenger of Allah. In fact, the verse also shows so much the right of the Prophet to be loved, because in this verse Allah poses a threat to those who love possessions, families, and children more than to love Allah and His Messenger. Even at the end of the verse Allah classifies those who do this as misguided and do not receive guidance from Allah.

The quality of our faith is determined by our love for the Prophet. A person who has perfect faith always places his love for the Apostle in the first place compared to his love for other human beings. His love for the Prophet exceeded his love for his parents, wife, husband and son, even himself. As the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The faith of one of you is not perfect, that I am more loved than both his parents, his son and all men” (narrated by Bukhari). The Prophet (peace be upon him) also said: “A person's faith is not perfect so that I am more loved than himself.” (narrated by Ahmad)

That is why the Prophet once rebuked Umar ibn Khaththab radhiyallahu anhu when he described his love for the Messenger of Allah, and placed the position of his love for him below his love for himself, so the Prophet denied the perfection of his faith until he made his love for the Prophet above all else. Then Umar loved the Prophet more than himself (narrated by Al-Bukhari)

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