Ahad 31 Dec 2023 23:41 WIB

Reminding God Part of the Peak of Happiness

Materialistic things are often interpreted as happiness by a handful of people.

Rep: Imas Damayanti/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Considering God Part of the Peak of Happiness
Foto: Republika/Tahta Aidilla
Considering God Part of the Peak of Happiness

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The joy that is often meant by humans is generally always derived from materialistic things. In fact, true joy can be gained by including our hearts to be able to remember Allah in every activity.

In Abu Fajar Alqalam's Modern Shufi Footprints, it is mentioned that people are often deceived by the presence of good houses, vehicles, abundant treasures, to high positions. All materialistic things are often interpreted as happiness by a handful of people.

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Joy may indeed be present in the presence of those objects or existing positions, but the human heart does not necessarily feel happy with the material presence. Beauty and good looks are also not always a source of happiness, even for those who cheer and laugh amuse many people.

Behind the good looks and beauty and the cleverness of people playing character, not necessarily their hearts are filled with happiness that is commensurate with the look that is on the outside. Everything is a mirage, beautiful, but not real, let alone eternal.

All of them are the mediums that lead people to happiness. The happiness in question, the peak of which is derived from the remembrance of Allah SWT.

For example, in the pleasure of the eye that can see beauty, the ear that can hear the sounds that are perfectly melodious, the pleasure of the tongue that can feel, the pleasure of the other limbs, and the pleasure of the heart that always remembers God for everything that is done from the activity. When everything is done on the basis of remembering God, then the peak of true happiness has been grasped by man.

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