Kamis 25 Jan 2024 09:05 WIB

24 Moluccan Parrots Released

Parrots have been rehabilitated before being released.

Illustration of protected birds.
Foto: Antara/Gusti Tanati
Illustration of protected birds.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, AMBON -- The Natural Resources Conservation Hall (BKSDA) of Maluku Province released 24 species of Maluku parrots in Mount Salahutu Protected Forest, Central Maluku Regency.

“The released bird is evidence of wildlife trafficking whose legal proceedings were handled by investigators of the Moluccan Police Department,” said Forest Police (Polhut) BKSDA Maluku Seto, in Ambon, Wednesday (24/1/2024).

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He admitted that, regarding the trafficking case, his status is now P21 and the result of the activities of securing the circulation of Wildlife Plants (TSL) in the working area of Pulau Ambon Resort.

Before being released, the bird had first undergone a quarantine and rehabilitation process at the Animal Conservation Center (PKS) of the Maluku Islands so that it is now healthy, wild and ready for release.

“This animal release activity is also an agenda in the Supervision Visitation and Action Plan Completion Guidance activities carried out at the Maluku KSDA Hall, especially related to the rescue of animals of crooked beaked birds,” he said.

BKSDA also socializes to the community regarding the handling and management of crooked beaked bird species in the Maluku Islands PKS and the use of rescue cages.

“With hope, the community is raising awareness of the maintenance of our own endemic animals in the Moluccas,” Seto said.

Under the provisions of Law No. 5 of 1990 on the Conservation of Biological Resources and their Ecosystems that, Anyone who intentionally captures, injures, kills, harbors, possesses, maintains, transports, and entertains protected animals in a living state; (Article 21 paragraph (2) letter a), is threatened with imprisonment of not more than five years and a fine of not more than Rp.100 million (Article 40 paragraph (2)).

sumber : Antara
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