Selasa 20 Feb 2024 00:32 WIB

UAD Public Lecture Discusses Government Strategies and Global AI Developments

Discussion covers AI classification, challenges faced, and how to manage AI.

The  Group of Intelligent Informatics Systems of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD).
Foto: dokpri
The Group of Intelligent Informatics Systems of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YOGYAKARTA — Ahmad Dahlan University Intelligent Systems Science Group (UAD) in cooperation with the Ministry of Communications and Informatics (Kemenkominfo) held a public lecture entitled 'Government Strategy and Development of Global Artificial Intelligence' at the main campus of UAD, Saturday (17/2/2024).

As written in the press release received by Republika, the event was opened by the Head of the Study Program, Murinto, and continued with the presentation of a public lecture by Herman Yuliansyah from the Scientific Group of Intelligent Informatics UAD.

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The keynote speaker, who is a 2004 UAD Informatics Engineering alumnus and now works in the International Affairs Division of the Ministry of Finance, Noly Cristino, provides in-depth insight into the regulation, ethics, and development of global Artificial Intelligence (AI). Discussions also include AI classification, challenges faced, and how Indonesia manages AI.

The event, attended by more than 90 participants from UAD Informatics Students, also highlighted current issues such as AI ethics, global discussions on AI, and generative AI. At the end of the event, speakers also shared experiences related to LPDP scholarships.

This public lecture was greeted with high enthusiasm from the attending participants. This marks the importance of understanding AI in the face of future challenges.

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