Ahad 03 Mar 2024 06:49 WIB

Total Number of Tickets for Lebaran Prepared by KAI Daop 3 Cirebon

The sale of train tickets has started since February 15, 2024.

Rep: Lilis Sri Handayani/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Current situation at Cirebon Station, Monday (4/12/2023). Travel of a number of buses in the Daop 3 Cirebon region was disrupted by a landslide that occurred on the railway line in the Daop 5 Purwokerto area.
Foto: Dok Humas Daop 3 Cirebon
Current situation at Cirebon Station, Monday (4/12/2023). Travel of a number of buses in the Daop 3 Cirebon region was disrupted by a landslide that occurred on the railway line in the Daop 5 Purwokerto area.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, CIREBON -- PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) has opened the sale of train tickets in the Lebaran 2024 transit period. Until now, these tickets are available quite a lot.

The sale of train tickets was started from February 15, 2024 or H-45 for departure March 31, 2024 or H-10 Lebaran. Tickets can be purchased through the Access by KAI application, kai.id website, as well as all other KA ticket booking official channels.

Baca Juga

On Friday (1/3/2024), people can book a Lebaran transport ticket for departure April 15, 2024 (H+4). Vice President of KAI Daop 3 Cirebon, Dicky Eka Priandana, said that Daop 3 Cirebon provided 91,520 departure tickets from March 31 to April 21, 2024. “From this data, up to today it was recorded that new ticket sales reached 4.6 percent,” Dicky said on Friday.

Daop 3 Cirebon prepared a total of 91,520 tickets with the following details:

1. KA Argo Cheribon Cirebon — Gambir relations with 37,180 seats

2. KA Ranggajati Cirebon — Jember relationship

has 10,780 seats

3. KA Kaligung between Cirebon Pruhkan — Semarang Poncol and Brebes — Semarang Poncol has 43,560 seats

For the schedule of KA - KA departures from the area of Operation Area 3 Cirebon as follows:

Departure from Cirebon Station:

1. KA 25 Argo Cheribon relation Cirebon-Gambir departs 05.05 WIB

to 08.05 WIB

2. KA 116 Ranggajati relation Cirebon-Jember departs 06.45 WIB

to 20.35 WIB

3. KA 23 Argo Cheribon relation Cirebon-Gambir departs 16.35 WIB

on 19.28 WIB

4. KA 29F Argo Cheribon relation Cirebon—Gambir departs 20.00 WIB to 22.57 WIB

Departure from Cirebon PruStation:

KA 196 Kaligung relation Cirebon-Semarang Poncol departs 09.10 WIB at 12.55 WIB

Departure from Brebes Station:

1. KA 194 Kaligung relation Brebes-Semarang Poncol

departs 04.45 WIB at 07.18 WIB

2. KA 192 Kaligung relation Brebes-Semararang Poncol

departs 12.00 WIB at 14.45 WIB

KAI Daop 3 Cirebon appeals to the public to plan their trips well because KA tickets during the transit period of Lebaran 2024 are still widely available. “KAI is committed to organizing all rail journeys during the 2024 Lebaran Transit period safely, comfortably, safely and to the destination,” Dicky said.

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