Jumat 08 Mar 2024 18:12 WIB

Minister Erick to Look for the Right Figure to Replace Ahok in Pertamina

In addition to the empty PT Pertamina command, the MIND ID command is also vacant after Doni Monardo.

Rep: Muhammad Nursyamsi/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
SOE Minister Erick Thohir.
Foto: Republika/Dian Fath Risalah
SOE Minister Erick Thohir.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir spoke about the vacant position of chief commissioner of PT Pertamina (Persero). The position was previously occupied by Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok who chose to resign in favour of his partner Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD.

Erick said that the vacant positions are not only for the command of Pertamina, but also for a number of SOE commissioners are vacant. This is because there are commissioners who stepped down because they participated in the campaign for the 2024 presidential election or because they died, such as Lieutenant General (Purn) Doni Monardo who occupied the MIND ID command.

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“There are indeed some commissioners who resigned and some who preceded us such as Mr. General Doni Monardo, the late one of my best friends,” Erick said during the BUMN Corporate Communications and Sustainability Summit (BCOMSS) 2024 at Tennis Indoor Senayan, Central Jakarta, Thursday (7/3/2024) evening WIB.

Therefore, he was looking for the best figure to fill some vacant positions in SOE. “Indeed, we are looking for the right figure so that we can maintain the sustainability of state-owned enterprises as well,” Erick said.

In addition to Ahok, there are other names who have also resigned, such as Abdee Slank from the Commissioner of Telkom and Arief Rosyid from the Commissioner of Bank Sharia Indonesia (BSI). Special Staff of SOE Minister Arya Sinulingga said the resignation was common and had been in accordance with the rules in force in SOE.

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