Sabtu 06 Apr 2024 00:06 WIB

Manado Non-Muslim Entrepreneur: Business Is More Profitable After Halal Certification

He feels that halal certification of his products is very blessed and beneficial.

Rep: Febrian Fachri/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Halal logo.
Foto: Tahta Aidilla/Republika
Halal logo.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MANADO -- The development of the halal industry in the province of North Sulawesi (Sulut) targets not only Muslim entrepreneurs but also non-Muslims.

One example is Grandi Kaparang, an MSME Es Potong from Manado who has received a halal certificate from the Halal Product Guarantee Organizing Agency (BPJPH), Ministry of Religious Affairs.

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After the inauguration of the Sharia Economic and Financial District Committee (KDEKS) of Sulut Province, Grandi said that he is currently developing a cutting ice business under the name Eis Cool Lin.

“What I've been developing is starting in 2022. So since Covid-19 we have developed ice cream business, cut ice. At the moment we are only [reaching] the Sulut area, we continue to be assisted by Bank Indonesia in development, especially halal certification,” Grandi said in Manado City, Sulut, Thursday (4/4/2024).

Grandi said that with the halal certificate, he hopes that his products will grow and become known to many people, as well as be able to reach various other regions throughout Indonesia. Because with the halal label, the market for its products is wider.

“Thank you very much to Mr. Wapres, Bank Indonesia, who has facilitated us MSMEs, especially me from non-Muslims, and then I got a halal certificate, so it can greatly help my products to develop even better, to safer areas,” Grandi said.

Grandi said that the process of this halal certificate is very easy and takes only three months. He claims to be completely unburdened by helping all. “It helps everything from the data. If we have obstacles it is helped by BI and BPJPH themselves,” he said.

Grandi feels that the halal certification of its products is a blessing and beneficial. He also hopes that MSMEs like his efforts will be helped in terms of their legality, their formalities, so that the products of MSMEs in the Sulut region can continue to develop to all corners of the country.

At the time of the inauguration of KDEKS Sulut, the Vice President expressed his appreciation to the Provincial Government and KDEKS of Sulut Province who have developed the sharia economy, from halal certification for MSMEs, butchers and slaughterhouses, to the development of KHAS Zone (Halal, Safe, and Healthy Culinary), as well as the existence of kosher value chain based on boarding houses.

North Sulawesi is also one of the distribution sites for financing Sharia Securities Negara (SBSN). During 2013 to 2023, there were 86 infrastructure projects worth 2.4 trillion sourced from SBSN.

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