Selasa 09 Apr 2024 22:22 WIB

Five Ways to Preserve Ramadhan Everyday

Many people maintain the spirit of Ramadan.

Rep: Mabruroh/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Ramadan fast (illustration).
Ramadan fast (illustration).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Ramadan is almost over, but there are still many opportunities that you can take advantage of to keep up the spirit of Ramadan. One way to maintain the spirit of Ramadan, is to continue to present the habits of the month of Ramadan itself.

The reason why many people fail to maintain their acquired customs and deeds after Ramadan is due to the lack of a “Ramadan environment”. The following is reported from About Islam, 5 tips to maintain good habits during Ramadan to carry on in other months as well.

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First, Do Sunnah fasting

Iftar is the main culture in Ramadan. In order to keep Ramadan alive in the following months, it is necessary to arrange an Iftar with friends or at a local mosque or group. In other words, encourage you to also perform sunnah fasts such as the 6-day Shawal, Monday-Thursday fasting, or the three-day white fast in each month.

Second, keep coming to the mosque

Keep praying in the mosque even though Ramadan is over. This is to keep the spirit of Ramadan in ordinary days.

Ali Bin Abi Talib said, “When a righteous servant dies, the place where he used to pray, and the place where his charity goes up to heaven, then both of them will weep for him”, then he recited (a verse describing Pharaoh and his companions), “Heaven and earth do not weep for them, nor are they given respite” (QS Ad-Dukhan verse 29).

Third, list your favourite preacher

During Ramadan, there are many lectures and Friday sermons, both in local mosques or online. Try to “add to your favorites list” some lectures that motivate you during the holy month. Spirituality that comes from knowledge is a deep spirituality that will endure and will always be there for you when you are weak.

Forth, marking the favorite Quranic verse

So keep the words of great speakers from the scholars, but do not forget the Word of God: Verily they are mightier. We all believe that the Qur'an is a great book, and that all the verses in it are miracles. However, each of us has his favorite verses, Chapters or passages that we most relate to in different emotional times or states. If you happen to hear or read a moving verse, mark it and “save” the spiritual connection to the verse for later.

Fifth, stay connected with best friends

Islam is a system based on worshippers, teamwork, and friendship. You will need the support of good friends, spouses, and pious friends to keep up the spirit of Ramadan. 

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