Jumat 26 Apr 2024 05:13 WIB

PKB-PKS Agree to Continue Coalition in 2024 District Election

PKB-PKS have the same goals in politics

PKB General Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar (center right) together with PKS Secretary General Aboe Bakar Alhabsy (center left) delivered a press statement after holding a meeting at the PKB DPP office accompanied by other PKS and PKB leaders in Jakarta, Thursday (25/4/2024). The meeting of the Anies-Muhaimin coalition parties was the first meeting since the appointment of president-elect Prabowo-Gibran by the Commission on Wednesday 24/4. In addition to the meetings, the meeting of PKS leaders with the PKB discussed their future change agenda in parliament as well as the concurrent elections in 2024.
Foto: Republika/Thoudy Badai
PKB General Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar (center right) together with PKS Secretary General Aboe Bakar Alhabsy (center left) delivered a press statement after holding a meeting at the PKB DPP office accompanied by other PKS and PKB leaders in Jakarta, Thursday (25/4/2024). The meeting of the Anies-Muhaimin coalition parties was the first meeting since the appointment of president-elect Prabowo-Gibran by the Commission on Wednesday 24/4. In addition to the meetings, the meeting of PKS leaders with the PKB discussed their future change agenda in parliament as well as the concurrent elections in 2024.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Elite Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) held a meeting with the leaders of Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB) on Thursday (25/4/2024) evening.

The two parties that collaborated in the Change Coalition in the 2024 presidential election agreed to continue cooperation in the upcoming 2024 elections.

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“Tonight in addition to silaturahim in the framework of halalbihalal as well as silaturahim and equalize the perception of various experiences together in the Change Coalition as well as challenges to the future of the struggle,” said PKB General Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin during a press conference at PKB headquarter in Jakarta, Thursday (25/4/2024) evening.

Cak Imin said that PKB and PKS need to continue earnestly in working together to realize the ideals of both parties. That is, hope to realize a better and prosperous Indonesia in the future.

Then Cak Imin alluded to the form of cooperation that can be concretely realized by the two parties, namely cooperation in the 2024 elections that will take place later in November.

“Therefore, I thank the PKS who have been present at the office of DPP PKB. Of course, we want to continue to work together both in the legislative and in the executive,” he said.

On that occasion, Cak Imin had a little dialogue with the Secretary General (Secretary General) of the PKS Habib Aboe Bakar to confirm to seek ways to form a coalition in the 2024 elections. Habib Aboue said “I agree.”

It is known, on the agenda of the visit, from the party who attended, among them the President of the PKS Ahmad Syaikhu, the Secretary General of the PKS Aboe Bakar Alhabsyi, and the Secretary General of the PKS Zainudin Paru. On the part of the PKB there are PKB General Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar and Deputy General Chairman of PKB Jazilul Fawaid. However, in the press conference, Ahmad Syaikhu did not attend and was represented by PKS Secretary General Aboe Bakar.

PKS Secretary General Aboe Bakar Alhabsyi said that the meeting this evening was part of reviving the nostalgia of the cooperation that has been carried out in the Coalition for Change throughout the 2024 presidential election. He acknowledged the most urgent talk in the meeting was about election preparation.

“Among our most interesting talks was after this presidential election. Where are we going and where we are and how are we going. But the fastest that has broken up is the collaboration of the elections,” Aboe said.

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