Jumat 05 Jul 2024 18:03 WIB

Travel Smart, Pray Smart: Your Guide to Jamak and Qashar Prayers

Collecting prayers at a time and or summarizing them is a relief for travelers.

Rep: A. Syalaby Ichsan/ Red: Ani Nursalikah
Homecomers praying on the shoulder of the toll road in the Cikampek Utama Toll Gate area, West Java.
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
Homecomers praying on the shoulder of the toll road in the Cikampek Utama Toll Gate area, West Java.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Most urban residents take advantage of the school holidays to go to their hometown or to tourist attractions with their families.

For those with far-flung travel goals, do not neglect the five-time prayer obligation. There is no need to worry about being burdened with such obligations given that Islam provides facilities of leniency in the form of combining (jamak) and summarizing (qashar) of the fardhu prayers.

Baca Juga

Collecting prayers at a time and or summarizing them is a relief for travelers and those who want to travel. However, there are some requirements for those of you who want to perform jamak prayer/qashar. Here are the full terms of the jamak taqdim or takhir and qashar prayers as outlined in the Risalah Tuntunan Shalat book by Moh Rifaie

Qashar Prayer

For persons traveling, it is permissible to shorten the obligatory prayer of four raka'at to two raka'at with the following conditions:

a. Travel distance of at least two days of walking or two marhalahs is equal to 16 farsah or 138 km. (According to Abd. Rahman al-Jazairi in Kitabul Fiqih 'ala! Madzahibil arba'ah, declared 16 farsah = 81 km)

b. Traveling is not for maxims.

c. The prayer that can be performed is only the four raka'at prayers and not the qadha.

d. Intention to make a qashar at the time of the Ihram Takbiratul.

e. Not acceptable to people who are not travelers.

Requirements to pray... Next page...

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