Jumat 12 Jul 2024 01:42 WIB

RI Anniversary at IKN: End of July Mostly Ready for Use

The construction of the President's office, the realization has been 88.54 percent.

Rep: Frederikus Bata  / Red: Budi Raharjo
IKN Building
Foto: Dok Biro SDM dan Humas Otorita IKN
IKN Building

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The government through the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing continues to build the Capital City of Nusantara (IKN) in East Kalimantan. The issue that is being hotly discussed is how the facilities and infrastructure at IKN are prepared for the celebration of the 79th Anniversary (Anniversary) of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) there.

Chairman of the Infrastructure Development Planning Task Force of the Ministry of PUPR, Imam S Ernawi explained some of the lines focused on preparing for the celebration of the Indonesian National Day on August 17, 2024. The main ones are the government offices, then the arrangement of the area, then the development of a residential/residential nature.

Baca Juga

Continuing to connectivity in the central core area of government (KIPP) is also the path to that or regional KIPP. There are still urban water and drainage resources. Finally drinking water and sanitation.

“Actually, the focus towards the celebration of August 17 (2024) will be the Presidential Palace,” Imam said in an online press conference on Thursday (11/7/2024).

From the government offices, it is divided into several sectors. First, the Presidential Palace. In this sector it is divided again, first the State Palace and the Ceremonial Square. PUPR data shows that, by July 4, 2024, the realization of the construction of the State Palace and Ceremony square is already 82.73 percent. In planning, in early July it stood at 74.74 percent. This means that there is a deviation of +7.99 percent.

“The state palace, by the end of July most of its rooms will be functional. Ceremony grounds already can. The podium is finished and already working, ready to be used for the ceremony. The capacity is pretty much 8000s,” Imam said.

Then the construction of the office of the President, the realization was 88.54 percent. The initial plan, on July 4, 2024 was at 88.18 percent. That is, there is a deviation of +0.37 percent.

Then the Presidential Secretariat and Support Building. The realisation has been 92.31 per cent. The initial plan as early as July 2024, was at 92.27 percent. There is a deviation of +0.04 percent.

“If it is functional, towards the target of the August ceremony. Start from the Palace and ceremonial grounds, then the office of the President. This July we finish, and so on,” Imam said.

Continuing to the four building complexes of the Coordinating Ministry. Starting from Kemenko 1. This July could work. There are four tower buildings. Approximately 519 ASN can be headquartered there.

PUPR data shows the realisation was 78.90 per cent on July 4, 2024. That exceeds initial plans that stood at 67.32 percent earlier this month. There is a deviation of +11.58 percent.

It's not all done yet. The first tower will be functionally three storeys. Tower two (functional) three floors. Tower three, floor. Tower four, three floors. Until this July we will finish,” Imam said.

Continue to Kemenko 2, Kemenko 3, and Kemenko 4, which are also currently in the process of work. “Because it's September, it will be better later in September. At the moment, we set for the ecosystem target of August,” Imam said, adding.

There are several buildings in Kemenko's office that can be used to meet VVIP guests. This is only khsusus in Kemenko 1 and 3. The reason is that the two building complexes are closer to the Presidential Palace, compared to Kemenko 3, and 4.

Continued to the Ministry of State Secretariat. There are some important buildings there. There is the Paspamres mess, the Fire Department building, and the Presidential Secretariat building itself.

Special Staff for Public Communications/Spokesperson of Otorota Capital Archipelago (OIKN), Troy Pantouw also spoke about this. Troy said it was currently in the finalising stages of some of the supporting infrastructure in IKN's vital lines. Especially related to the celebration of the 17th Anniversary of RI.

“We are optimistic that the means and pre-requisites before the Independence Day commemoration event are ready,” OIKN's Jubir told Republika.co.id on Wednesday (10/7/2024).

In a press release from the OIKN, the Government continued to commit to preparing various means and infrastructure for the implementation of the 79th Anniversary of RI at the IKN concerned. One of the main aspects of concern is the readiness of the ceremony field. The construction of this facility is targeted to be completed in the near future.

Construction of the ceremonial field which is the centrepiece of the Independence Anniversary celebrations has entered its final stages. The government continues to accelerate the construction to ensure all facilities and supporting infrastructure can be ready to support the holding of ceremonies at IKN.

“The government under the coordination of the Ministry of PUPR is making every effort to complete all preparations for the Independence Ceremony well. The finalization phase of the construction of the State Palace building and the Ceremony Square in the Presidential Palace Area in IKN is being carried out to ensure that the infrastructure is ready for use,” said Plt. Deputy Head of the Capital Authority of the Archipelago (IKN), Raja Juli Antoni.

With the realization of the construction of such a good ceremony field, he is optimistic that the 79th Independence Anniversary Ceremony of the Republic of Indonesia at IKN can be carried out smoothly. This means that the project being worked on can be ready on time. Then with good quality.


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