Jumat 04 Oct 2024 01:16 WIB

BSI Collaborates with Hajj Umrah Association, Strengthen Islamic Ecosystem

The year-end target for Hajj and Umrah savings growth will reach 1 million accounts.

Rep: Dian Fath Risalah/ Red: Budi Raharjo
PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BSI) seeks to strengthen the Islamic ecosystem through the Hajj and Umrah sector. (illustration)
Foto: Prayogi/Republika.
PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BSI) seeks to strengthen the Islamic ecosystem through the Hajj and Umrah sector. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BSI) seeks to strengthen the Islamic ecosystem through the Hajj and Umrah sectors. Through this sector, BSI is committed to optimizing the ecosystem's potential for the welfare of the people by facilitating Indonesian people to worship umroh/hajj.

BSI Sales & Distribution Director Anton Sukarna said Indonesia is the largest Muslim-majority country in the world. It is not only the large number of Muslims, but also the halal ecosystem that also has great potential such as Hajj and Umrah.

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BSI seeks to facilitate Hajj and Umrah worshippers by collaborating with various associations that conduct more than 2,600 trips in Indonesia. Looking at umrah registration through the Siskopatuh app, BSI continues to dominate where by 2022, BSI controls 85 percent of the market share with 910,365 worshippers. This figure rises to 88 percent by 2023 with 1,191,924 worshippers. By August 2024, BSI's market share reached 95.2 percent of the total 862,734 Indonesian Umrah worshipers.

Judging by the figures, the trend in the number of Indonesian Umrah worshippers is increasing every year. This became a great potential for BSI to facilitate the association of hajj and umrah. As of August 2024, the amount of Hajj and Umrah savings of BSI reached 5.3 million or about Rp 13 trillion grew by 17 percent year on year. By the end of the year, the growth of Hajj and Umrah savings will reach 1 million accounts.

Anton mentioned that the Indonesian sharia market has a huge potential for the sharia banking sector, which is supported by a large Muslim population. The large number of mulim population is an attractive potential not only for sharia banking but also for the ecosystem of halal industries as a whole such as hajj and umrah, culinary, fashion, travel, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. It is estimated that the total potential of the sharia halal industry in the country reaches 264.92 billion US dollars or about Rp 5,000 trillion.

“BSI consistently continues to encourage our Hajj and Umrah services so that the Islamic ecosystem in the country can become stronger, stronger, and beneficial for all,” he said on Wednesday (2/10/2024).

BSI also strengthened its collaboration with Kesatuan Tour Travel Haji Umroh of the Republic of Indonesia (Kesthuri) and Sarikat Organizer Umrah and Hajj Indonesia (Sapuhi), which are signatories of sharia service cooperation and financing. With this new agreement, travel agencies will be given access to financing services prepared by BSI on a business to business basis to support the needs of Hajj and Umrah transactions from upstream to downstream. In addition, in the future, e-channel access will also be provided for travelers and worshippers.

By August 2024, the number of registrants through BSI was already more than 850 thousand worshippers. In view of this development, it is likely that the number of registrants going through BSI during this time of year will increase.

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