Jumat 15 Nov 2024 01:37 WIB

East Java Muhammadiyah Prepares 112,000 Free Nutritious Food Packages

Muhammadiyah should collaborate with various parties to strengthen national values

Illustration of free nutritious meals.
Foto: ANTARA FOTO/Auliya Rahman
Illustration of free nutritious meals.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA -- The leaders of the Muhammadiyah Region of East Java prepared 112 thousand free nutritious lunch packages on the occasion of the 112th Milad commemoration on November 16, 2024, also to support President Prabowo's Free Nutritious Meals program.

Secretary of PW Muhammadiyah Jatim Prof. Biyanto, in Surabaya, on Monday explained that the goal of providing 112 thousand nutritious food packages is to students both in Muhammadiyah schools, state and other private schools in 38 districts/cities.

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The summit will be centered at Muhammadiyah 1 Taman High School (SMAMITA) attended by the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education (Mendikdasmen) of RI Prof. Abdul Mu'ti.

“In SMAMITA it will also be given nutritious meal packages for Ma'arif school, SMPN 1 Taman. Even in Surabaya, we will hold this free lunch at the Church of Santa Maria Impeccable,” said Prof. Biyanto.

Biyanto further revealed that this movement is an attempt by Muhammadiyah to continue to be an important part in helping the progress of the nation.

This is in harmony with the theme of Milad 112 Muhammadiyah 'Bringing Prosperity to All'. Therefore, this nutritious food package is enjoyed not only by Muhammadiyah school students, but also by non-Muhammadiyah schools.

“So usually we commemorate Milad with seminars or discussions. But this year we want to go down directly to real action to help the government,” said Biyanto, who is also UIN Sunan Ampel Lecturer.

Furthermore, Biyanto affirmed the position of Muhammadiyah, which has always been together in support of the government program. Moreover, this free lunch program has a long-term orientation, that is, it solves the stunting problem, which is quite high.

Meanwhile, Chairman of Milad Committee 112 PW Muhammadiyah Jatim Imam Hambali added that this free lunch package will be strictly monitored both for nutritional standards, suitability and cleanliness. This will involve health workers as well as students of the faculty of health and nutrition under the auspices of Muhammadiyah.

sumber : Antara
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