Kamis 05 Jul 2012 21:44 WIB

Support to open a consulate in Palestine grows

Rep: Arie Lukihardianti/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Imam Al-Aqsha Mosque, Sheikh Ali Omar Yacob Al Abbasi, delivers his message in the last day of International Conference for the Freedom of Al Quds and Palestine, in Bandung, West Java, on Thursday.
Foto: Antara/Indriani
Imam Al-Aqsha Mosque, Sheikh Ali Omar Yacob Al Abbasi, delivers his message in the last day of International Conference for the Freedom of Al Quds and Palestine, in Bandung, West Java, on Thursday.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG - International Conference for the Freedom of Al Quds and Palestine, in Bandung, West Java, generates seven agreements. One of the agreements says Indonesian government is urged to open a consulate in Palestine.

"We specifically urge the government to open a consulate for diplomatic service," the Chairman of International Conference for the Freedom of Al Quds and Palestine, KH Yaksyallah Mansyur, mentioned the result of the conference.

Among other agreements are real support for Palestine from Muslim and international community, unity for freedom movement, preparation for the next conference, and ban for Israeli products. 

The Speaker of House of Representatives, Marzuki Alie, yesterday on the conference said all Muslim must support the Palestinian freedom. Imam Al-Aqsha Mosque, Sheikh Ali Omar Yacob Al Abbasi agreed and he urged all Muslim in the world to unite to free Al-Aqsha Mosque from occupation. "The mosque has a historical value for all Muslim in the world. It is the first prayer direction for Muslims," he said.




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