Jumat 10 Aug 2012 22:31 WIB

Muhammadiyah: Eid al Fitr on August 19

Rep: Yulianingsih/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Hijr year is lunar calendar and its new days begin at the sunset, while the first day of a month begins on new moon rises. (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Wihdan Hidayat
Hijr year is lunar calendar and its new days begin at the sunset, while the first day of a month begins on new moon rises. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YOGYAKARTA - Muhammadiyah Central Board officially announced that Eid al Fitr or 1 Syawal 1432 H would be on Sunday, 19 August, 2012. "Muhammadiyah encourages the followers and Muslims to celebrate Eid and perform prayer on the day," the Chairman of Muhammadiyah, Haedar Nashir, said on Friday.

The decision is taken after calculating based on the combination of astronomy and technology. According to the calculation, the conjuction (the same right ascension or the same ecliptical longitude, normally when observed from the Earth -Ed) appears on Friday, 17 august 2012 at 22:55:50. Thus, Muhammadiyah decided 1 Shawal was on Sunday. 

The Chairman of Tarjih Muhammadiyah Syamsul Anwar said that Muhammadiyah had used the calculation since a century ago. The method also has been used by Saudi Arabia since 2004 to calculate ‘ulumul quro calendar.




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