Rabu 23 Oct 2013 00:10 WIB

Semarang to host international conference on preaching

Rep: Bowo Pribadi/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Muslim Prancis sedang menjalankan shalat di Masjid Agung Paris
Foto: AFP
Muslim Prancis sedang menjalankan shalat di Masjid Agung Paris

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SEMARANG -- A number of delegations from different countries, will gather in Semarang to attend an international conference on 'Islamic Propagation and Humanity' starting on Tuesday (22/10) to Thursday (24/10).

They come from Qatar, Turkey, United States, Malaysia, Iraq, Philippines, Bangladesh, Timor Leste and Thailand.

Some of the participants will become speakers at the conference on the theme 'Exploring the Potential of Preaching and Local Wisdom'. The conference held by Faculty of Da'wa of the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Walisongo of Semarang.

"Figures like Ba'asyir Naaql Bas (Iraq), Dr Doromay (Thailand), Dr Hisham Badli (Malaysia) and Expert on Religion and Conflict at Arizona State University, Prof. Peter Suwarno [will attend the conference]," Rector of IAIN Walisongo, Prof Dr H Muhibin said.

On the other hand, several national figures will also deliver their presentation at the conference such as SOE Minister Dahlan Iskan; Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Tifatul Sembiring; President of the World Conference of Religions for Peace (WCRP) KH Hasyim Muzadi as well as the Director General of the Islamic Educational of MORA, Prof. Dr. Nur Syam.

According to Muhibin, the purpose of organizing the conference, among others, is to share theoretical and practical experience in applying Islamic preaching and deepen understanding of many issues on the preaching of Islam in various countries.

"It included exploring the possibility to find a new perspective on the preaching of Islam to solve social problems in their respective countries," he explained.

He added, one of the purposes of Islamic preaching is to spread the message of humanity. The massage is so important in the context of the changing situation of the world that continually affected several social issues.

Increased tensions in a many countries have huge impact in many aspects of humanity. Violence and war became the main issue on everyday life all over the world.

Historically, he said, Islam has laid the foundations of justice and equality among mankind. This foundation is widely recognized as a revolutionary step.

Due to the nature of humans being distinguished by so many identities such as race, ethnicity and gender groups, Islam regard human beings with respectable dignity. Islam also puts human dignity in to a respectable position, he concluded.

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