Jumat 29 Nov 2013 16:52 WIB

Sharia banking in Central Java grows rapidly

Rep: Bowo Pribadi/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
  Petugas Bank Indonesia menunjukkan pin Gerakan Ekonomi Syariah (GRES!) usai diluncurkan Presiden SBY di Lapangan Silang Monas, Jakarta, Ahad (17/11). (Republika/Aditya Pradana Putra)
Petugas Bank Indonesia menunjukkan pin Gerakan Ekonomi Syariah (GRES!) usai diluncurkan Presiden SBY di Lapangan Silang Monas, Jakarta, Ahad (17/11). (Republika/Aditya Pradana Putra)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SEMARANG -- The growth of Sharia banking in Central Java this year showed an increase trend. As of August 2013, Bank Indonesia (BI) noted sharia banking growth reached 35.73 percent (yoy), with total assets of Rp 12.07 trillion. 

Compared to the previous year, reaching 35.48 percent (yoy), with total assets of Rp 10.78 trillion, the growth of sharia banking set to rise this year. 

Head of Team Leader of Sharia Banking in Region V, Mulyadi Husin said the performance showed the optimal role of sharia banking to stimulate real sector and to improve people's welfare. 

The growth of Islamic banking performance, he explained, can also be seen from the market share. In 2012, the market share of Islamic banking reached about 4 percent and up to August 2013 an increased to 5.26 percent. 

"Market share of Islamic banking assets in Central Java is even higher than the share of Islamic banking at the national level, which only amounted to 4.68 percent," said Husin, Friday (29/11). 

Similarly, in its growth, Islamic banking in Central Java was capable to exceed national growth.

"As of August this year, Islamic banking in central Java grew 33.01 per cent," he added.

On the other hand, Supervisor of Sharia Banking Catur Surya Perwira added, in an effort to develop a BI strategy for sharia banking, it needs financing in more productive sectors of the economy. 

"In addition, thanks to the development of products that meet the needs of society, it needs a strict supervision to revitalize an increased synergy with the parent bank," he explained. 

He also admitted that, the development of Islamic banks compared to other countries, such as the Middle East and Europe, local sharia banking development still far behind. One of the factors was sharia banking service in these countries has been existed for a long time.

Meanwhile, in Indonesia regulation regarding the Islamic banking existed only since 2008. "However, public interest in Islamic banking is quite high," he said.

Ed: Nidia Zuraya

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