Kamis 23 Oct 2014 00:31 WIB

Lutfi, 10-year-old boy who memorized the whole Alquran

Rep: C10/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Alquran (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Yasin Habibi
Alquran (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The 10 year old Muhammad Lutfi has been able to memorize the 30 chapters of Alquran, Muslim holy book. The boy continuously sharpens his skills since 4 years old. It is an extraordinary achievement.

Head of Islamic School of TahfiZ Qur'an Ar-Raudhah, who is also Lutfi's teacher, Abdul Hadi Koram said that parents became major factor in early childhood education. It what makes Lutfi reading Quran since a toddler.

"Lutfi got the best education from his parents," Koram said recently.

According to Koram, an Islamic teacher just helps children to memorize Quran. He needed tenacity, patience and seriousness when taught Lutfi at ages of 3 and 4 to be able to read Quran properly.

Lutfi grew up in Nias Island, West Sumatra with his parents, Ramlan Dalimunte (father) and Sri Maharani Hasibuan (mother). His parents introduced Quran to Lutfi everyday. When Lutfi was 9 year old, he was sent to the Islamic School of TahfiZ Qur'an Ar-Raudhah to learn Quran recitation. He was capable to memorize all chapters of Quran in one year.


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