Jumat 22 May 2015 15:37 WIB

This is the reason why MUI's fatwa is important

Rep: c94/c37/ Red: Satya Festiani
Salah satu fatwa MUI (ilustrasi).
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Salah satu fatwa MUI (ilustrasi).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) held Meeting of Indonesian Fatwa Commission V in MUI Building, Menteng, Central Jakarta, on Thursday, May 21. This event was accompanied by the re-launching of the book by publisher emir MUI Cakrawala Uslan.

In the opening, Commission Chairman of Fatwa MUI Prof. Hasanuddin HF explained, the teaching in Islam was a compulsory happiness that taught the necessity of religious teachings properly.

"There are four requirements for implementing the Islamic religion in the history of Imam Al-Gazhali," he said, on Thursday, May 21.

First, religious norms. In Islam it is complete in its teachings until covering the state rules and guidelines in Islam.

Secondly, knowing the existing norms, and thirdly, emulating and implementing norms.

"It is only required for capable person, like Hajj," he said. Finally, said Hasan, the fourth is encouragement to implement the norm.

Hasan added, this fatwa book leads to the application of norms. He hoped that by republishing this book, the function and the role will be much better.

"Thanks to publishers who are willing to publish a set of MUI's fatwa in community live and nation," he said.

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