Ahad 04 Oct 2015 21:47 WIB

Death toll of Indonesian victims in Mina incident reaches 100 people

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MECCA -- Identification team of Hajj Committee (PPIH) of Saudi Arabia verified five bodies of Mina incident victims as Indonesian citizens, Sunday (4/10). Thus, the number of Indonesian citizens who dead reached 100 people.

Head of Work Area of Mecca, Arsyad Hidayat, said the number of citizens who died on previous data reached 95 people, consisting of 90 pilgrims and five citizens who lived in Saudi Arabia.

"Today it increased by five people to become 100 person," he said, as reported by Republika journalist, Ratna Puspita, Sunday (4/10).

He stated that three of the five bodies identified were from fleet JKS 61 Jakarta-Bekasi embarkation, namely Nandang Suryana Sulaeman (passport number A8406668), Entin Rostini Ikin (passport number A7919217), and Supardi Harjodikromo Kerta (passport number B0929687).

The two other victims were Ahmat Khalimin Sambudi from fleet SOC 62 Solo embarkation with passport number B0877075, and Juri Makri Monadi fleet SUB 28 Surabaya embarkation with passport number B1028070.

The identification result reduced the number of pilgrims who have not returned to the lodgings. Arsyad said the pilgrims who have not returned were reduced from 34 people to 28 people.

There were 17 pilgrims from fleet JKS 61, three pilgrims from fleet BTH 14, two pilgrims from fleet SUB 36 and SUB 48 who have not returned. Meanwhile, four fleet reported to loss a pilgrim, namely fleet SOC 62, SUB 28, SUB 61, and UPG 10.

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