Rabu 07 Dec 2016 00:31 WIB

GNPF MUI to start next action

Rep: Fuji Pratiwi / Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Chairman of GNPF MUI Bachtiar Nasir at the stage of December 2 rally in National Monument area, Friday  (12/2). He said starting December 12, GNPF MUI will run next movement nationwide.
Foto: Republika/ Yasin Habibi
Chairman of GNPF MUI Bachtiar Nasir at the stage of December 2 rally in National Monument area, Friday (12/2). He said starting December 12, GNPF MUI will run next movement nationwide.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The National Movement to Guard the Indonesian Council of Ulama's Fatwa (GNPF MUI) asked Muslims to keep the spirit of brotherhood of December 2. As part of the effort, GNPF MUI will hold Safari Nasional (nationwide tour) and the dawn prayer in congregation in the mosque.

Chairman of GNPF MUI ustaz Bachtiar Nasir said the 2nd action to defend Islam (Aksi Bela Islam II) on November 4 was more like euphoria of Muslim to be united. "But, in Aksi Bela Islam III on December 2 (Aksi 212), Muslims show they already united," he said.

Therefore, after evaluating Aksi 212, GNPF MUI believed the most important thing after the rally was to maintain brotherhood among Muslims. "We will travel to 34 provinces in Indonesia to maintain our togetherness and starting December 12, there will be movement of the dawn prayer in congregation," Bachtiar said.

According to Bachtiar, prayer could evoke the spirit and spiritual of Muslims. "The development of spirit begins with prayer," Bachtiar said after friendship meeting Post-December 2 rally at Masjid Raya Pondok Indah on Tuesday. 

Bachtiar remarked Muslims as the biggest population in the country have been marginalized for so long from social justice. Recently, Muslims began to speak and with their intelligence, they read the situation. "Why did the law paralyzed in front of one man?" he said.

The man, Bachtiar added, was away from the values of Pancasila and Diversity. The person who actually do not know nationalism. "Slowly, the curtain is opened and the people is still patient," he said.

Bachtiar noticed Muslims finally see the law is still being played. The blasphemer of religion is becoming more arrogant. "Therefore, the Aksi 212 is held as continuation of November 4 rally. The December 2 rally was the day of peaceful action, the day to fight and survive, the day of winning with patience," he explained.

The 212 rally, Bachtiar added, was supposed to be held at Hotel Indonesia Roundabout. GNPF MUI did not wish to have a rally in front of the Merdeka Palace. "Not because we were afraid, but we want peace and we don't want any bloodshed," he said.

Bachtiar said the commitment to hold peaceful action should not be shifted. Not even when dissatisfaction arose. "We do not want to be like the year of 1998 which was purely politic because some party wanted to be the ruler. We do not want to power for it was tough to bear. No need to topple because if something is deviant from Allah's law, it will tumble itself," he reiterated.

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