Jumat 09 Dec 2016 19:38 WIB

There are feelings that grow among Muslims that should be understand: Kalla

Rep: Dessy Saputri/Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Vice President Jusuf Kalla gave a remark before opening National Gathering of ICMI on Thursday (12/8) night in Jakarta.
Foto: Republika/ Raisan Al Farisi
Vice President Jusuf Kalla gave a remark before opening National Gathering of ICMI on Thursday (12/8) night in Jakarta.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The Vice President Jusuf Kalla appreciated the peace rally that was held on November 4 and December 2, demanding the arrest of alleged blasphemy suspect, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok). During National Gathering of the Indonesian Association of Muslims Intelectual (ICMI) in Ancol, Jakarta, Thursday (8/12), Kalla heard ICMI chaiman mention about 411 and 212 rally.  "Why was that? What happened?" he asked retorically.

Kalla believed that the mass did not rallied just because of Ahok's statement. "But why millions people came? If it was just a matter of Ahok, I supposed it would be enough for only a thousand or ten thousands," he said.

According to Kalla, there were feelings that grew among Muslims that should be understand. The two rally has showed the Muslims needs. "It shows that we need to fix the justice system in this nation,” Kalla remarked.

Kalla emphasized that the government, in this case the President and the Vice President, were responsible for it. Therefore, he encouraged all parties to participate in undertaking the improvements. "Of course, I am very responsible and so does the president. All of us. There was a good sense of statehood that we need to improve. We need to push, a good thing should be better and be best," said him.

On the occasion, Kalla also expected that ICMI scholars might conduct some studies on the events occurred in the nation and seek solutions to every challenges faced by the country to improve the economic conditions. "That's why we are here to review and to do something to improve the economic life of this nation," said Kalla.

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