Senin 23 Jan 2017 16:52 WIB

Criminalization of ulema repeats the memory of 1960: Taufiq Ismail

Rep: Rahmat Fajar Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Seeing the current situation, senior writer Taufiq Ismail's memory was taken back to 1960s when ulemas faced criminalisation and got slandered.
Foto: Republika/ Yogi Ardhi
Seeing the current situation, senior writer Taufiq Ismail's memory was taken back to 1960s when ulemas faced criminalisation and got slandered.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – A well known Indonesian writer, Taufiq Ismail, spoke about the recent national condition. He said there is a repetition of condition set by the communists in the 1960’s where many scholars got defamation and criminalization.  "What are they doing now is a repetition," said Taufiq in a discussion of ‘the Action to defend Islam and Ulema/ Islamic Activist in Facing Criminalization’ at Baiturrahman Mosque, Dr Saharjo Street, Menteng Atas, Jakarta, on Sunday (January 22).

Taufiq argued that there are similarities with the current state communists’ efforts who wanted to seize power. Many Muslim leaders were vilified and being tried to put them in jail.

Also read: Habib Rizieq feels criminalized

During the 1960s, Taufiq said, they managed to imprison Islamic leaders and activists, such as Buya Hamka and KH M Isa Anshary. Many ways used by the communists to seize power. "Same as now, they look for a variety of reasons," he said.

According to Taufiq, the communists always failed to seize power in the 60s. However, Taufik said, nowadays, they are still trying to make their efforts to succeed.

Also read: Criminalization of GNPF MUI’s figures resemble to Samad’s case

As known, lately, a lot of slanders were addressed to the Islamic clergy, leaders, or activists. Among them, there were some who were led to criminalization.

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