Jumat 14 Jul 2017 20:25 WIB

Hermansyah family ask for protection, MUI: We welcome with open arms

Rep: Kamran Dikarma/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Hermansyah's wife, Iriana (white shirt), who hold Uzbekistan passport seek protection to Indonesian Council of Ulemas (MUI). (Illustration)
Foto: Republika/Rusdy Nurdiansyah
Hermansyah's wife, Iriana (white shirt), who hold Uzbekistan passport seek protection to Indonesian Council of Ulemas (MUI). (Illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Vice Chairman of Indonesian Council of Ulemas (MUI) Zainut Tauhid said that his institution is ready to provide maximum protection to the family of Hermansyah. Hermansyah is an IT expret from ITB who severly injured after being stabbed and beaten by four assailants on Jagorawi Toll Road on Sunday (July 9), early morning.

"Related to the request of the victim's family who asked for protection to MUI, we are very grateful for that trust. MUI welcomes with open arms. MUI will help to provide protection as much as possible," Zainut said in a press release received by Republika.co.id, Friday (July 14).

He explained, the protection of the Hermansyah family is in accordance with the role and responsibility of MUI as a religious community organization. In this context, MUI has a duty to protect and guide all human beings, especially Muslims.

"MUI has a duty to protect and guide all human beings, especially Muslims. Moreover Muslims who are experiencing calamities or difficulties," said Zainut. 

After the alleged stabbing against Hermansyah arrested by police, the news appeared to potentially assasinate the victim's family character, especially related to Hermansyah's wife who had Uzbekistan passport. This situation caused the family of the victims to take intiative to seek protection from MUI.

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