Kamis 10 Aug 2017 04:02 WIB

Pamulang University bans niqab

Rep: Febrianto Adi Saputro, Marniati/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Foto: reuters.com

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, TANGERANG - Rector of Pamulang University (Unpam), Dayat Hidayat confirmed the university has banned niqab since early on August. He asked the public to see the regulation troughroughly.

Dayat explained the ban was included in the rules on hair and clothing while the uproar in the society focused on the niqab ban.

"So the regulation was not solely ban the niqab use among female Muslim students, but also ban the students from having long hair and using shorts / short skirts," Dayat told Republika.co.id on Wednesday (August 9).

Dayat stated the regulation was set to protect and create a profile of Unpam students to have ideal appearance. Before the rule is established, Dayat claimed to consult it with religious leaders.

"We can not deprive someone's right of religion, but God willing female students remain a perfect Muslim with their hijab," he explained.

Dayat said the regulation applied for new students. Meanwhile, for senior collegers, the university would approached niqab users to obey. "Not many of our female Muslim students wear niqab," he remarked.

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