Jumat 26 Jan 2018 18:24 WIB

MUI plans a cross country da'wah to promote moderate Islam

Cross country da'wah is one of MUI's flagships programs in 2018.

Rep: Muhyiddin, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Head of Da'wah and Community Development Commission of MUI, Cholil Nafis
Foto: ROL/Fakhtar K Lubis
Head of Da'wah and Community Development Commission of MUI, Cholil Nafis

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) will undergo a Cross Country Da'wah program to introduce a moderate Islam. This is one of MUI's flagships programs in 2018. 

Head of Da'wah and Community Development Commission of MUI, Cholil Nafis said Cross Country Da'wah will be divided into three sessions. First, it will be held in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. Then, second session will take place in Brunei Darussalam and Phillipine. Last, third session is in Laos and Myanmar.

He said the purpose of da'wah program is to strengthen the bond between Muslims in Southeast Asia. The program to invite local ulemas, embassies, campuses, mosques, and Muslim communities in destination countries.

"The program not only will gather Muslim in around Southeast Asia, but also in the end we will hold Southeast Asia association of regional clerics in 2018," Cholid said to Republika.co.id, on Thursday (January 25).

Meanwhile, MUI Chairman, KH Ma'ruf Amin appreciated the da'wah plan program. He said government through Ministry of Foreign Affairs has supported Southeast Asia Da'wah program, including the plan to held the meeting of Muslim scholars in Jakarta capital.

In addition, MUI da'wah and community development commission will also held a program of Da'wah Academic and Map da'wah. The da'wah academy program will be focused on the provincial level and the participants will be invited to study comparation to several countries such as Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey.


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