Senin 26 Mar 2018 18:21 WIB

Learn Saudi's law before using smartphones: Consular

Consular reminds Indonesian pilgrims to understand Saudi's regulations, restrictions.

Umrah pilgrims.
Foto: Republika/Reiny Dwinanda
Umrah pilgrims.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian Consular General to Saudi Arabia in Jeddah has asked its expatriates and other migrant workers to carefully learn the latter country's law before using smartphones. The Consular General, Mohammad Hery Saripudin, stated that in order to avoid violations of the law, the migrant workers and the Indonesian pilgrims need to understand the local rules, mainly in term of using gadgets.

"Beware of using smartphones (in Saudi Arabia). We should understand the local regulations and other restrictions while working or temporarily staying in this country," Saripudin noted during a legal workshop that was hosted by the consular on March 23 and 24 at the Indonesian Office of Hajj Affairs in Mecca.

At the workshop, the chief expressed his concerns to few Indonesian nationals who are now being charged by the Saudi's police for violating the law using smartphones.

In a written statement received by Antara in Jakarta on Monday, Saripudin said the Consular General in Jeddah had assisted some legal cases of Indonesian nationals who were detained by the police for capturing forbidden images.

Following the incidents, Rahmat Aming Lasim, the second counselor, has called on the people to wisely use the internet, mainly in terms of posting contents online.

"Please be careful while using the social media. We should understand the local regulations before posting pictures, uploading, and downloading forbidden contents," Lasim stressed.

He noted that some places and contents that are not allowed to be recorded or captured in Saudi Arabia include the airport and other vital facilities such as the King Palace, the Military Base, the Police Headquarter, as well as the security officers, women, and other objects with "No Camera" sign.

Also read: Saudi Ambassador calls on umrah pilgrims to maintain ethics

During a similar occasion, Umar Badarsyah, the social and cultural counselor, shared his views on the Law of Information and Electronic Transactions, as well as the cyber crime issued in Indonesia and Saudi Arabia.

Badarsyah called on all participants to avoid posting pornographic pictures, false news, and hate speech contents on social media platforms, such as Facebook and the messenger application Whatsapp.

The consular general has intensified protection to Indonesian citizens by providing workshop and legal assistance, after a migrant worker, Zaini Misrin, was beheaded in Saudi Arabia this month.

The consular also offers legal consultation for Indonesian nationals who have mixed marriages with the Saudi Arabian citizens, mainly for the status of their children.

sumber : Antara
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