Senin 26 Mar 2018 19:19 WIB

'We will find middle ground to resolve problem in Jayapura'

Working team will hear Muslims aspirations in Jayapura on Tuesday.

Rep: Ratna Ajeng Tejomukti/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
FKUB Jayapura has formed working team to solve PGGJ suit over Muslims.
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FKUB Jayapura has formed working team to solve PGGJ suit over Muslims.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Jayapura Churches Communion believed working team formed by the regent will find middle ground to resolve Muslims and Christians conflict in the area. PGGJ Chairman reverend Robbi Depondoye said working team has met with his organization on Monday. The meeting will be continued on Tuesday to hear Muslims aspirations.

"Together with the working team, we build an understanding to build Jayapura Regency as a religious harmony integrity zone," he said to, on Monday.

Reverend Robbi said Jayapura upheld the motto "Kenambai Umbai", which means a cheerful heart of work to achieve glory. He wanted to maintain it. "We have conveyed our aspirations to the working team," he said.

PGGJ awaited for the team decision. "Right now, Jayapura's condition is conducive," he said.

Earlier, Chairman of Indonesian Council of Ulemas in Papua, KH Saipul Islam Payage uttered the same statement. He reiterated there was no significant conflict in Sentani, Jayapura. Nevertheless, the working team has not reached any deal. "We are still discussing it. Just wait for the result. We will annouce it," he said to, on Sunday.

The conflict between Muslims and Christians in Sentani, Jayapura, Papua arose following PGGJ's rejection to the construction of mosques which are taller than other buildings. In its statement, PGGJ has also rejected the use of loudspeakers for adzan (call to prayer) and the construction of mushollas (praying rooms) and mosques at public facilities. 

PGGJ has also banned female students of state schools from wearing religious attire and preachers from conducting Islamic propagation in Jayapura district. "MUI regrets the statement as it goes beyond the spirit of brotherhood, tolerance, togetherness, and kinship", MUI Deputy Chairman Zainut Tauhid Saadi on Tuesday (March 20).

Earlier, on Monday (March 19), the Inter-Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB) Jayapura formed a working team that is chaired by Reverend Alberth Yoku (former chairman of Papua Province Sinode), PGGJ Chairman Robby Depondoye, MUI Papua Chairman KH Saiful Islam Payage, FKUB Jayapura regency, reverend Hosea Taudufu and member of MUI Papua and also member of  the Papuan People's Assembly (MRP) Tony Wanggai.

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