Kamis 03 May 2018 17:42 WIB

World Muslim Scholars Summit generates Bogor Message

Bogor Message highlights the global scale of uncertainty and disturbance.

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Indonesian President's Special Envoy for Inter-religious Dialogue and Cooperation and Civilization Din Syamsuddin
Foto: Republika/Muhyiddin
Indonesian President's Special Envoy for Inter-religious Dialogue and Cooperation and Civilization Din Syamsuddin

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOGOR -- The High-Level Consultation of World Muslim Scholars Summit on the Wasathiyah Islam, or Moderate Islam, has generated Bogor Message as a form of commitment of delegates related to the moderate Islamic paradigm. The Bogor Message was delivered by the Indonesian President's Special Envoy for Inter-religious Dialogue and Cooperation and Civilization Din Syamsuddin in Bogor, West Java province on Thursday.

The draft of Bogor Message highlighted the global scale of uncertainty and disturbance in the midst of modern civilization.

Therefore, as a religion of peace, love, justice, and civilization, Islam underscored that the Islamic Wasathiyah paradigm as the center of Islamic teaching has been practiced in the long history of Islamic civilization from the period of leadership of Prophet Muhammad SAW (God be upon him) to the modern era.

The teaching of Wasathiyah Islam is related to the efforts of the global Islamic ulemas and scholars to ensure the development of Islamic civilization for the next generation.

Syamsuddin also stated seven main values in the Wasathiyah Islam, namely, tawassut, i'tidal, tasamuh, shura, islah, qudwah, and muwatonah.

"Out of the 12 noble values, we put these seven principles first, because other values can be incorporated into the chosen values. It has been discussed at the first meeting," he said.

In addition, Bogor Message also invited Islamic countries and communities to take the initiative to promote the Islamic Wasathiyah paradigm in order to build a "Ummatan of Wasatan" or moderate people with a prosperous, peaceful, inclusive and harmonious environment based on Islamic principles and morality.

He hoped that the meeting could produce the axis of Wasathiyah world as it is one of the messages conveyed by Indonesian President Joko Widodo during the opening of the meeting.

Around 100 prominent Muslim clerics and scholars from a number of countries including Indonesia attended the summit which is held on May 1 to May 3 in Bogor, West Java province.

The meeting was attended not only by member states of Islamic Cooperation Organization (OKI) but also by other countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, the President of the Korea Muslim Federation and the President of China Islamic Association (CIA).

The meeting is aimed at promoting the moderate Islam that flourishes in Indonesia to the world and proposing the Islamic moderation as a solution to the current crisis of world civilization.

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