Rabu 08 Feb 2012 20:54 WIB

Interesting... A vulnerable dolphin found in West Kalimantan

Rep: Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
According to Red Data list, Irrawady Dolphin or Orcaella brevirostris now is considered vulnerable (illustration).
Foto: itsnature.org
According to Red Data list, Irrawady Dolphin or Orcaella brevirostris now is considered vulnerable (illustration).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PONTIANAK – The research team found a vulnerable species of dolphin in Kubu Raya and North Kayong waters, West Kalimantan. The team -consists of from WWF Indonesia and Regional Office for Marine, Coastal and Resources Management Pontianak (BPSPL)- study and document the Irrawady Dolphin or Orcaella brevirostris.

“Their existence in those places has not been revealed before. The study is a pivotal step,” the WWF conservation biologist involved actively in the research, Albertus Tjiu, said. 

The team also found a group of Chinese white dolphin or Sousa chinensis in the waters. The findings indicate the high variety of ecosystem living in the waters of West Kalimantan. It also shows the importance to protect the habitat of the fauna, whether in upstream or downstream including mangrove forest in the narrow strait in waters in Kalimantan.

He added the main threat of the population in Kubu Raya and North Kayong was the conversion of mangrove forest. Mangrove forest has become the basic material for charcoal industry. Other threats are the deforestation near the waters, the human traffic in the waters, and the polluted river.

Tjiu urges the people doing activities near those waters to protect their environment and help preservation of mangrove forest.

“The forest preservation in upstream river is the main factor to maintain the ecosystem in freshwater,” the Coordinator of Freshwater Conservation of WWF Indonesia, Tri Agung Rooswiadji, said.

While the Head of Conservation at the Regional Office for Marine, Coastal and Resources Management Pontianak (BPSPL), Kris Handoko, said, his organization truly supported the research of these species. He is also ready to cooperate with several organizations to conduct the monitoring and conservation.

According to Wikipedia, Irrawaddy dolphins communicate with clicks, creaks and buzzes at a dominant frequency of about 60 kilohertz, which is thought to be used for echolocation. Bony fish and fish eggs, cephalopods, and crustaceans are taken as food. Observations of captive animals indicate food may be taken into the mouth by suction. Very interesting creature!

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