Kamis 08 Mar 2012 18:52 WIB

Under investigation: The assassin service website

Rep: Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
The site  hitmanindonesia.wordpress.com is no longer available.
Foto: Republika/Yeyen Rostiyani
The site hitmanindonesia.wordpress.com is no longer available.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Investigator of Special Criminal Investigations Division (Ditreskrimsus) in Polda Metro Jaya traces the existence of assassin service website. “Cyber Crime team is tracing it. We hope it will be revealed,” the Head of Public Relations Division of Jakarta Metropolitan Police Command, Senior Commissioner Rikwanto, said on Thursday in Jakarta.

Rikwanto said the officers were seriously addressing the website, including uncovering the server, network, its aims, and the time it was publicized. Yet, he has not confirmed the authenticity of the assassin service website. “Cyber is beyond any boundaries. Public can enter into the cyber world almost from anywhere,” he said. 

The website, hitmanindonesia.wordpress.com provides assassin service to the customers. The first page in the website writes ‘Hire out Assassin Service’. 

The page also provides experts to serve the orders. The experts claim to have support from military and police. The website also includes an email account for those who interest. 

Yet, the website, hitmanindonesia.wordpress.com now no longer exists and has been removed by Wordpress. The blog administration writes: This blog has been archived or suspended for a violation of our Terms of Service. 

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