Rabu 30 May 2012 19:17 WIB

Indonesia, the 5th largest country with elderly composition

Indonesia has 18.04 million elderlies or 9.6 percent of total population in 2010. (illustration)
Foto: mystagedlife.com
Indonesia has 18.04 million elderlies or 9.6 percent of total population in 2010. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Indonesia is now the fifth largest country to have a big composition of elderly people in the world. The number is reaching up to 18.04 million lives or 9.6 percent of total population in 2010.

"It bears some consequences, such as service needs as well as social protection for the elderly," said Director General of social rehabilitation for the Ministry of Social Affairs, Samsudi, on Wednesday.

The number of elderly people has increased 4 folds compared to 1970, where only 5.3 million people or 4.48 percent of population.

The increase of elderly people in Indonesia is due to the increasing of life expectancy in, which in the end increase the elderly population to increase in number.

In several cases, the elderly are seen as a burden on families who often neglect or abandon them. "Several problems with the elderly needs to be attended and serious work must be implemented to anticipate the problems that come with old age," Samsudi said.

There are programs, designed by the ministry of social affairs for the elderly such as "home care" program to teach families in taking care for their elderly in their homes. As many as 20.000 elderlies are receiving this service.

Meanwhile, the ministry of social affairs has also implemented several side programs for the elderly in the fields of social psychology, care and economy. The other programs they have include "day care", a service for the elderly held by nursing institutions or other organizations. For the elderly who can no longer participate in programs and activities, they receive a social assistance package which comprises of 200,000 IDR per month. 


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