Kamis 18 Oct 2012 19:29 WIB

ACD agrees on energy security framework

Rep: Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Heads of delegations have a photo session in Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) forum in Kuwait, Tuesday.  Attended by 32 countries, the forum is established to bridge some missing link in Asia.
Foto: Antara/Widodo S. Jusuf
Heads of delegations have a photo session in Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) forum in Kuwait, Tuesday. Attended by 32 countries, the forum is established to bridge some missing link in Asia.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KUWAIT CITY - All member countries of the Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) group agree to work together on energy with the implementation of ACD Energy Action Plan to serve as framework in energy security. Among others, Indonesia is a staunch supporter of the plan.

The agreement is cited on 20 points of ACD communiqué as a result of the summit held in October 15-17, 2012 in Kuwait City of Kuwait. On the 10th point of the communiqué, ACD member countries agree that sustainable energy is a key factor in achieving prosperity and economic growth in Asia to pave the way for the transition of energy policy over the coming decade, as reported by Fitria Andayani from Republika.

"The ACD Member States affirm their commitment to energy cooperation by moving forward with the review, finalization, and adoption of the ACD Energy Action Plan to serve as framework in ensuring energy security, particularly through development of new and renewable energy sources for the livelihood of future generations, as well as promoting energy accessibility and affordability," cited in the communiqué.

The Head of Indonesia delegation in ACD, Coordinating Minister of Economy Hatta Rajasa, said Indonesia had drafted an agenda to be adopted in 2013 and to be reviewed in 2015. 

"The point of Kuwait Communiqué is to improve cooperation on 20 areas of cooperation," Rajasa said as reported by Nur Hasan Murtiaji from Republika. Indonesia has encouraged cooperation on energy through the ratification of ASEAN Petroleum Security Agreement (APSA). According to APSA, members of ACD must help other countries which have energy reserve less than 10 percent of the total need.

ACD also promotes 20 areas of cooperation, such as in investment, manufacture, infrastructure, and finance. Rajasa said the cooperation in Asia had not yet carried out seriously on the last 10 years. Interconnectivity becomes the most important point as it makes economy moves efficiently.


Emergency fund

ACD prepares two billion USD fund for non-Arab nations of Asia to support smaller to mid-sized projects. The Amir of the State of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, said the fund was important as several Asian countries still fought poverty.

"They face serious problems, including health, illiteracy, war, unemployment, and environmental problem," he said on Tuesday.

Asian countries must help each other to distribute resources throughout Asia. The fund is planned to finance some projects supporting Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Sheikh Sabah said Kuwait had pledged 300 million USD.

The fund will be overseen by the Asia Development Bank (ADB). The bank will ensure that the fund was distributed to the needing countries.

Rajasa said the members had not reacted yet. Moreover, Thailand Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra proposed nine billion USD for the emergency fund. Rajasa said Asia would not face hard time in collecting fund.



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