Jumat 15 Mar 2013 16:14 WIB

House appoints new deputy governor of BI

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
New Deputy Governor of BI, Perry Warjiyo
Foto: ?Republika/Yasin Habibi
New Deputy Governor of BI, Perry Warjiyo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Assistant Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI), Perry Warjiyo, secured the votes of all members of Commission XI at the House of Representative on Thursday. Through unanimous decision, Warjiyo is appointed as deputy governor of BI, replacing Budi Mulya, during the announcement of the fit and proper test result.

Warjiyo has been nominated as deputy governor for four times since 2008. This time he successfully gets the position over other candidate,  Executive Director of Monetary Management Department of BI, Hendar. 

"The acclamation comes with nine points for him," Deputy Speaker of Commission XI at the House, Harry Azhar Azis, said on Thursday.

Azis said Warjiyo was expected to lead BI's macro prudential policy for the interests of farmers, micro small medium businesses, real sectors and national economy as well as creating financial inclusive, increasing and strengthening BI role on controlling local and central inflation. In managing foreign capital, BI is urged to have a model that prioritizes the interest of national economy.

Warjiyo must also enhance the coordination between BI and government to manage exchange rate and conduct assessment of Key Performance Index (IKU) for each member of Board of Governors.

Warjiyo thanked for the supports and hoped everyone would pray for him. "I have a strong commitment on controlling inflation and low interest rate to encourage economic growth and people's welfare," he said.

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