Kamis 18 Apr 2013 23:03 WIB

Sharia bank: Gold doesn't lose its charm despite the plunge

Rep: Qommaria Rostanti/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Gold bar (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Wihdan Hidayat
Gold bar (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Director of Risk and Compliance BNI Sharia Acep Riana Jayaprawira said that consumer demands for gold were still high as the gold business still flourishing, as shown in sharia gold pawn (rahn) and gold murabahah product. 

"Murabahah grows relatively slowly, but it's safer," he said on Wednesday. The asset of murabahah product of BNI Sharia reached 26 billion USD since it's launch four months ago.

Gold price in global market plunged by nearly 1.361 USD per ounce at Comex in New York. Aneka Tambang's gold price also continued to decrease from 543 thousand IDR per gram to 541 thousand IDR per gram on Tuesday trading.

Mega Bank Sharia will launch it new banking product, gold murabahah, despite the falling price. Its financing from other product, gold pawn, Mega Bank Sharia reached 500 billion IDR outstanding per December 2012 compared to 264 billion IDR per December 2011. 




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