Sabtu 08 Jun 2013 23:17 WIB

Social sanction, a cure to remove bums and beggars in Bali

Rep: Ahmad Baraas/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
A woman begs in a pedestrian lane. (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Rakhmawaty La'lang
A woman begs in a pedestrian lane. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DENPASAR - Social sanction seems an effective cure to remove bums and beggars Trunyan village. Local government can claim their success story to change to bums and beggars into hardworking farmers.  

Trunyan was once dubbed as one of central village of the bums and beggars in the island. But according to Secretary of Trunyan village, Ketut Jaksa, no villager wanted to be bum or beggar.  

"The villagers used to sell their agricultural products with barter. But town community misunderstand it and they gave the villagers money instead of bartered their products. Gradually, the habit changed Trunyan people's behavior like beggars," Jaksa said on Saturday.

Local government then created a strategy to change the villagers' attitude by educating them that begging was shameful. Purposedly, people would sneer or mock people who begged. The process may not be easy but now the Trunyan people develop new attitude and leave behind the begging culture.

The government is also fostering villagers with various skills. With its potential, Trunyan can develop itself into a tourist attraction. 




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