Jumat 19 Jul 2013 00:44 WIB

Liverpool to practise five times before friendly match with Indonesian team

Rep: Citra Listya Rini/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Liverpool's manager Brendan Rodgers holds a jersey during a press conference in Jakarta, Indonesia, Thursday, July 18, 2013. Liverpool is on the 2013 summer tour to Indonesia, Australia and Thailand.
Foto: AP/Achmad Ibrahim
Liverpool's manager Brendan Rodgers holds a jersey during a press conference in Jakarta, Indonesia, Thursday, July 18, 2013. Liverpool is on the 2013 summer tour to Indonesia, Australia and Thailand.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Liverpool squad has tested football field at Bung Karno Main Stadium Jakarta on Thursday. They make some preparations including practicing five times before the match this Saturday at 08.00 PM. Liverpool is on the 2013 summer tour to Indonesia, Australia and Thailand.

"the grass in this stadium is a little dry. But, I understand because weather condition in Indonesia is so hot," Manager of Liverpool, Brendan Rodgers said on Thursday.

Rodgers and his squad arrived in Jakarta for the first leg of the club's summer tour on Wednesday. Liverpool opens one practise session to be attended by audience and media on Friday afternoon for only in 15 minutes, while the entire time is held in private. 

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