Jumat 26 Jul 2013 01:11 WIB

Indonesian Muslims build a mosque in Sydney

Rep: Mohammad Ridwansyah Saidi Ungsi/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Minaret of a mosque (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Adhi Wicaksono
Minaret of a mosque (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SYDNEY - Indonesian Muslims in Australia try to collect fund to build a mosque that will become a center of religious activities in Sydney. They managed to raise 126 thousand AUD or 1.2 billion IDR. 

The foundation, Iqra Foundation, wants to establish a mosque namely Iqra House.

Iqra Foundation was formed in 1998 as one of Islamic organizations in Sydney. Iqra Foundation actives in various social mission programs, especially for Indonesian people in Sydney. Since its establishment until now, Iqra Foundation has members of 100 families.

Iqra Foundation has purchased a building that became center of all Muslim activities in Sydney in 2012. The building was also functioned as a mosque and financed by donations from members and entire Muslim community in Sydney. Its payment should be paid off by the end of 2015.

Loans was used to buy Iqra House worth 400 thousand AUD or equal to four billion IDR. Indonesian Muslims in Australia used various ways to raise funds to pay off loan. One of them was fundraising.

"I'm pretty proud of Sydney. I saw Indonesian Muslims has its own mosque here. Many Muslim countries, such as Turkey, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh have their own mosques abroad," an Islamic teacher, Lutfi Attabik said on Thursday.


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