Rabu 31 Jul 2013 02:30 WIB

Banks increase fee based income to boost their earnings

Rep: Satya Festiani/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Indonesian rupiah (illustration)
Indonesian rupiah (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Banking sectors begin to push fee based income to boost their profits. because the increasing interest rate has triggered credit slowdown then impacted interest income. 

Head Transaction Banking in Permata Bank, Tanjung Rudy said company targetted its fee based income would growth about 25 percent this year. The company pursued its income from trading operations, despite the market are quite competitive

"To anticipate a big spike in volume, we will accelerate investment of trade engine worth five million USD," Rudy said on Tuesday.

President Director of OCBC NISP, Parwati Surjaudaja said her company increased fee based income through trade finance to support company's revenue. Fee based income in first half of 2013 fell six percent at a level of 385 billion IDR. This decline was due to fluctuations of foreign exchange.

President Director of Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN), Maryono hoped his company could increase fee based income by 15 percent this full year. In 2012, fee based income of BTN was still six percent of total revenue. In first half of 2013, fee based income of BTN increased 0.54 percent at a level of 308 billion IDR. 

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