Selasa 08 Oct 2013 20:39 WIB

Indonesia to APEC members: Gather regional supports to ease WTO barriers

Indonesian Trade Minister Gita Wiryawan
Indonesian Trade Minister Gita Wiryawan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NUSA DUA--In a final day of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, Indonesia encouraged economies of the club to adopt geographical approaches in order to ensure the success of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) ministerial conference in Bali next December.

"One of my proposals is for APEC members to come up with geographical approaches. Chile, Mexico and Peru, for instance, can get support from Latin American countries. Indonesia itself will approach India or the People's Republic of China, which has influence in the African continent to convince them to be proactive in the Bali negotiations," said Indonesian Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan on Tuesday.

Hopefully the agreement reached at the Bali meeting, Wirjawan added, would help resume the Doha Round talks, which have been standstill over the past few years.

"The APEC leaders have agreed that the WTO ministerial conference in Bali in December will be a stepping stone to resolve the stalled Doha Round talks," he said.

Therefore, he explained, the APEC leaders should convey the message to others about the importance of joining WTO, and being more proactive in the negotiation and more flexible in responding various issue inside WTO.

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