Jumat 15 Nov 2013 15:45 WIB

Bappenas offers 27 PPP infrastructure projects to investors

Rep: Friska Yolandha/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Kepala Bappenas Armida Alisjahbana
Kepala Bappenas Armida Alisjahbana

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) offers 27 projects with total value of 47.337 billion USD through public private partnership (PPP) scheme in Indonesia. Head of Bappenas Armida S Alisjahbana said that all projects are revenue generating projects.

"Through PPP scheme, we offer 14 prospective projects with total value of 33.199 billion USD and 14.138 potential projects with total value of 17 billion USD," Alisjahbana said on Friday.

Infrastructure is main projects that supports connectivity, energy and urban. New urban infrastructure has great potential that can be worked, including management of sanitation and clean water.

Director of PPP Development in Bappenas, Bastary Pandji Indra said that Bappenas only provided 17 out of 58 projects. Government tightened the project selection to get private firm commitment to work on projects.

There are five new projects, such as mass rapid transit project in Jakarta, South Sumatra monorail, and Tanjung Sauh port in Batam. This year, Bappenas recorded 21 projects that already in tender process. The value reached 13 billion USD, such as Kemayoran - Kampung Melayu toll road, Pasar Minggu - Cassablanca toll road and drinking water supply project in Bandar Lampung.

Here is list of Bappenas PPP projects:

1. Integrated urban development in Banda Aceh

2. Manggarai - Soekarno Hatta airport train

3. Gedebage integrated terminal in West Java

4. Malioboro revitalization in Yogyakarta

5. Development of strategic infrastructure at Sunda Strait

6. Manado - Bitung  toll road in North Sulawesi

7. Tanjung Priok toll road

8. Balikpapan - Samarinda toll road, East Kalimantan

9. Kayu Agung - Palembang toll road in Betung, South Sumatra

10. Water supply at Pondok Gede in Bekasi, West Java

11. Drinking water supply of South Bali in Bali

12. Sanitation and waste management in Bogor and Depok, West Java

13. Sanitation and waste management in Surakarta, Jawa Barat

14. Karama Hydro Power Plant in West Sulawesi

15. Maloy port development in East Kalimantan

16. Expansion of Tanjung Priok port in Karawang, Central Java

17. Tanjung Sauh terminal development in Batam , Riau Islands

18. Development of new airport in Bali

19. Kulon Progo International Airport in Yogyakarta

20. South Sumatra monorail

21. Mass rapid transit (MRT) in Surabaya, East Java

22. Bandung monorail in West Java

23. Bali Island rail line coal in Muara Enim

24. Dawuan Cileunyi - Sumedang toll road in West Java

25. Pandaan - Malang toll road in East Java

26. Pasirkoja - Soreang toll road in West Java

27. Waste management and sanitation in Jakarta

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