Kamis 14 Nov 2013 11:52 WIB

Govt supports cyber defense development

Rep: Irfan Fitrat/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Tifatul Sembiring
Foto: Republika/Agung Supri
Tifatul Sembiring

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT) supports Ministry of Defense to form a cyber defense. It will strengthen Indonesia's defense from outside.

Head of Information and Public Relation in MCIT, Gatot S Dewa Broto said that Ministry of Defence had submitted a plan since seven months ago. Both ministries are ready to increase their cooperation.

"We want to make a cyber defense. We are happy and ready to help," Broto said recently.

Information security is a duty of MCIT. Therefore, since 2011, the Ministry formed Directorate of Information Security, which provided enlightenment on every government and private institutions to strengthen their information systems. Information security is not only domestic issue, but also international issue.

Directorate of Information Security also cooperates with Indonesia Security Incident Response Team on Internet and Infrastructure/Coordinator Center (Id-SIRTII/CC). Both institutions will overcome the interference and threats from hackers.

Cyber attack is still being a concern today. Based on Id - SIRTII data, there are 1,25 million cyber attacks from domestic and outside the country in February 2011. The data made a surprise for Indonesian government.

Broto said that Indonesia's defense was still fragile. There should be a coordination to strengthen solidity of security by all parties. Government institutions must be able to set devices, human resources and high attention to the threat of cyber attack. It needs a common awareness.

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