Rabu 11 Dec 2013 14:11 WIB

VP inspects progress of BPJS Health insurance scheme

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Tuntutan untuk segera mengesahkan RUU BPJS
Foto: Antara
Tuntutan untuk segera mengesahkan RUU BPJS

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Vice President Boediono visited the headquarters of state-owned medical insurance company PT Askes to inspect preparations for the implementation of social health insurance, which will start on Jan. 1, 2014.

Boediono was accompanied by Health Minister Nafsiah Mboy and was greeted by PT Askes President Director Fachmi Idris, who later reported the preparations that have been made so far.

The Vice President also spoke with the 12 heads of the health insurance divisions located in 12 Indonesian cities.

Based on Regulation No. 24/2011 related to the Social Health Insurance Agency (BPJS), PT Askes will become BPJS Health from Jan. 1, 2014. BPJS Health will provide health insurance for the Indonesian public.