Selasa 15 Jul 2014 22:00 WIB

Bank Permata cuts growth target

Rep: Friska Yolandha/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Bank Permata
Bank Permata

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Publicly listed PT Bank Permata (BNLI) revised its growth target this year lower, from 15-17 percent to 13-14 percent. Director of Bank Permata, Roy Arman Arfandy said that the decline was driven by slowing macroeconomic condition and high interest rates, so that company must cut the target. Company should be careful in developing assets because it had risk on non-performing loan (NPL).

"We have  submitted this revision to Financial Services Authority and it will be applied in the end of June," Arfandy said on Tuesday.

Company also saw internal factors, such as low deposit growth at 19 percent in the first semester compared to last year. Credit also grew slower, 14-15 percent. Economic slowdown pushed company to be more cautious in lending credit.

According to Arfandy, company did not focus on one sector to avoid more risks. Until the middle of the year, company's loan to deposit ratio (LDR) is maintained at 90 percent, while capital adequacy ratio (CAR) at 14 percent. In the second half, Bank Permata will maintain growth because banking liquidity is not well improved.

Bank Permata needs to evaluate the lending rates. If deposit rates increase significantly in second half, company will raise loan interest rates. In the first half, company's NPL was at one percent. This ratio will be maintained until the end of the year.

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