Kamis 17 Jul 2014 12:29 WIB

GMF AeroAsia becomes the first airbus training center in the world

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
GMF AeroAsia
GMF AeroAsia

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) as European civil aviation authority expressed that GMF AeroAsia successfully passed the audit stage as the Airbus Remote Training Center (ARTC). EASA auditor, Dominique Lissandres did not find any fault in auditing process, so that GMF became the first airbus training center in the world outside of Airbus Europe.

"EASA will give official approval to Airbus to put GMF AeroAsia as ARTC," Director of Human Capital and Corporate Affairs GMF Aero Asia, Harkandri M Dahler said in Jakarta recently as reported by Aldian Wahyu Ramadhan.

The readiness of GMF transformation into ARTC is in line with capability development in aircraft maintenance, as well as answering market demands. GMF proposed a rating addition for training type of B747-400.

EASA editor audited GMF Learning Services facilities, such as EASA classrooms, ARTC classrooms, exam rooms, space training record rooms, also the documents, such as training records, instructure records, procedure and training certificates. The auditor also asked one of instructors to explain Airbus type rating in a presentation session.

"The auditor wants to make sure the similar process in ARTC and GMF," Dahler added.

GMF can provide training based on Airbus standard, especially training type for A320 and A330. With the approval of AMTO 147 EASA, GMF has rights to conduct training type of B737-NG and B747-400 based on European authority's standard. It proved GMF capability in performing maintenance of Airbus aircraft. For Airbus, this cooperation can accelerate the development of Airbus market in Indonesia and Southeast Asia.

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