Sabtu 26 Jul 2014 12:00 WIB

Indonesia exports cattle semen

Rep: C88/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Beef Cattle
Foto: Antara
Beef Cattle

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia has been able to export cattle semen to various countries, such as Brunei, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Malaysia, as well as several countries in Central Asia. Director General of Livestock and Animal Health in Ministry of Agriculture, Syukur Iwantoro said that Indonesia experienced over supply more than two million doses of cement.

"The frozen cement production reaches 5.6 million doses, while we only have 3.2 productive cows," Iwantoro said in Jakarta recently.

Indonesian cattle sperm quality is not much different from the United States, Canada or even Australia. As comparison, US sells 40 USD per dose, while Indonesia 15 USD sexed semen per dose, which have same quality. For general types, Indonesia sells 4 USD per dose.

"Sexed semen can produce special calve, male only or female only, while general type can be male or female," Iwantoro added.

According to him, Indonesia has achieved self sufficiency of frozen cement since 2012. In 2013, Indonesia recorded self sufficiency in superior bulls, reached 565 bulls. Frozen cement is produced in two artificial insemination centers, in Singosari and Lembang. Indonesia produced 5,199,604 frozen cement last year.

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