Jumat 12 Dec 2014 20:43 WIB

Minister Susi calls fisherment to protect Maluku waters

Rep: Satya Festiani / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Minister of Maritime and Fishery Affairs Susi Pudjiastuti (center with red scarf) inspects an illegal fishing boat in Ambon, Maluku, on Thursday.
Foto: Antara/Izaac Mulyawan
Minister of Maritime and Fishery Affairs Susi Pudjiastuti (center with red scarf) inspects an illegal fishing boat in Ambon, Maluku, on Thursday.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, AMBON -- Minister of Maritime and Fishery Affairs Susi Pudjiastuti calls fishers to limit fishing in Maluku waters in order to protect potency of sea resources.

"We have to limit fishing in Maluku, especially for those big vessels," Pudjiastuti said on Thursday, December 11.

Maluku, she said, was the richest sea in Indonesia, making the waters become a great area to fish in a big scale. Its natural resources also tempt both local and foreign companies to engage in illegal fishing.

"We have to set up everything, including the amount and the capacity of vessels that can operate in Maluku waters," she said.

A declining catch is the main reason that Pudjiastuti issues the regulation. Based on the ministry's data, local fishers can only catch small fish in Maluku. Pudjiastuti said that it was a sign of declining potency.

sumber : Antara
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