Kamis 21 May 2015 02:20 WIB

Two Indonesian workers died overseas

Rep: Neni Ridarineni/c37/ Red: Satya Festiani
jenazah. Ilustrasi
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jenazah. Ilustrasi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YOGYAKARTA -- Two Indonesian workers (TKI) from Yogyakarta died in Senegal and Malaysia. They became non-formal migrant workers which did not depart from Yogyakarta, because the city already has a policy to not sending non-formal migrant workers.

Head of Department of Manpower and Transmigration of Yogyakarta, Sigit Sapto Raharjo, said that he received the news on the two workers last week.

"Both of these migrant workers are Mugimin from Dlingo Bantul, who died in Kucing, Malaysia and Moko from Gunungkidul who died in Senegal," he said, on Wednesday, May 20.

Based on information obtained from BP3TKI (Service Agency for Placement and Protection of Indonesian Workers), Mugimin departed from West Kalimantan. He even changed his name as Toyib. He died because of conflict with his friends. While Moko, departing from Pemalang, Central Java, allegedly died of starvation as a result of slavery on fishing boats.

“After the investigation, it turned out that both of them were citizens of Yogyakarta,'' said Sigit. The bodies of the two workers are in the process of returning, with the full cost of the government of Yogyakarta to Mugimin. Meanwhile, for Moko, the costs came from government of Yogyakarta and Indonesia Employment Agency (PJTKI).

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