Rabu 27 May 2015 10:00 WIB

Bappenas: Legal protection needed for infrstructure projects

Foto: Antara/Fanny Octavianus

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The National Development Planning Board (Bappenas) said legal protection is needed for infrastructure projects to prevent implementation from being hampered by lawsuits.

"Legal umbrella is needed that the process of acceleration of project implementation is safe from legal cases," a deputy for facility and infrastructure at Bappenas Dedy S Priatna said.

The form of the legal umbrella is being studied -- a presidential instruction or regulation, Dedy S Priatna said at the presidential office on Tuesday.

The idea of legal protection came when President Joko Widodo inquired about the causes of many infrastructure projects being delayed in implementation notably public-private partnership (PPP)projects.

"Out of hundreds of PPP projects only two have been successfully implemented -- Palimanan-Cikampek toll road and Tangerang drinking water project," Priatna said.

The rest were delayed even entirely idle such as Jakarta's Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) project, the construction of which began after 26 years being left idle.

"The President wants everything runs fast and safe not tangled with the law - KPK, police and prosecution office," he said.

Meanwhile, public works and Housing Minister M Basuki Hadimuljono said he regularly reports to the president progress made in projects after groundbreaking.

Chief Economics Minister Sofyan Djalil said President Jokowi wants to continue efforts to accelerate development of PPP projects.

"It was decided that all infrastructure projects have to be carried out faster," he said.

He said a technical group would be formed that would take a quick decision for each project.

The technical group is made up of officials from all related agencies, he said.

sumber : Antara
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