Kamis 18 Jun 2015 21:46 WIB

Trade Ministry conducts market operation to stabilize basic commodities prices

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
illustration (Republika/Prayogi).
illustration (Republika/Prayogi).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Director of Basic Commodities and Strategic Goods (Bapokstra) of Directorate General of Domestic Trade, Trade Ministry, Robert Bintaryo said, the Trade Ministry continued to conduct market operations in a number of regions. Market operation was done to keep the stabilization of prices of basic commodities in the market.

"Market operations throughout the regions continue to run and I was informed that the eggs price at the farmer is down," Robert said when contacted by ROL on Thursday, June 18.

Robert said, the beef prices was rising but was still within reasonable limits. The increase in beef prices were caused by high consumption. Usually at the beginning of Ramadan, people were flocked to buy beef.

In addition, the chili price was still high due to less supply. However, the Trade Ministry has not opened the door of imported chili because they were waiting for a recommendation from the Agriculture Ministry.

"We continue to execute market operations for a full month, and work closely with the department of trade and related institutions in the region," said Robert.

Robert said, at the beginning of Ramadan the price usually was likely to rise due to private consumption also increased. Around the middle of Ramadan, it expected the prices a bit stable. Then, just before Eid, the price will go up due to increased public spending to fulfill the needs of the Eid.


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